Osmosis Pool 1344 LP DAO: An Independent Voice For Liquidity Miners

Dec 20, 2024

The Osmosis Pool 1344 LP DAO

Pool 1344 ($PAGE vs $OSMO) was founded in early 2024 as a means of providing lower trading costs to PageDAO members who wish to buy or sell tokens onchain. The operation was a success, and soon $PAGE had much deeper liquidity on Osmosis than even in the original Ethereum Mainnet pool. PageDAO soon learned, however, that the liquidity providers it had found were not joining the community. Instead, whoever they were, the liquidity providers left as soon as the liquidity mining incentives dried up.

PageDAO was at a bit of a crossroads: the massive expense of liquidity mining incentives, the strangeness of receiving support from people who did not join the community, and the lack of governance involvement on the part of the liquidity providers had combined to make things both unsustainable and deeply problematic for DAO members - the token price fluctuated and 2024 turned out to be a very difficult year despite the promising start it had gotten off to.

For 2025, PageDAO has developed a solution to all 3 problems. By creating an independent DAO to represent LP Miner interests to governance and to distribute liquidity mining rewards to the LP Miner community, PageDAO may have finally come up with an onchain solution to the community fragmentation that prevented it from integrating new members and building a sustainable token economy last year. The Osmosis Pool 1344 LP DAO can do anything it likes - it is not veto locked, it is not a subDAO of PageDAO, and it is quite independent.

Core Team will operate a proxy multisig that is a subDAO, the Page Token Source 1 subDAO, and this subDAO will vote on behalf of LPers and distribute LP Mining incentives to the Staking Rewards Contracts of participating LP DAOs, not to be limited to the Pool 1344 LP DAO.

Below is the founding mission statement of Osmosis Pool 1344 LP DAO.

The Independent LP DAO: Governance Meets Liquidity Mining Incentives

Posted on December 18, visit: https://daodao.zone/dao/osmo15ma5het3fqr7a45wqvgq0mfmdc2dgy8enepz8s7r0856f8xxtwyq2r5c3e/proposals/A5

This DAO has been created to provide a platform for people who want to earn by providing liquidity in Pool 1344 on Osmosis. The Page Token Source 1 SubDAO of PageDAO has been updated and tasked with administrating liquidity mining incentives as well as governance by proxy.

The goal here is to do something new. We want to facilitate $PAGE token liquidity as an organization aligned with PageDAO by default, but if we used the Osmosis gauge contracts to issue LP Mining Incentives, we would not be able to administer voting privileges on behalf of LPers.

DAODAO staking rewards contracts are a powerful addition to the platform and enables PageDAO to solve the LP Miner's representation problem by providing an independent DAO contract (Osmosis Pool 1344 LP DAO) and a PageDAO official proxy contract (Page Token Source 1 SubDAO).

The primary risk of establishing a DAO to administrate staking rewards in a low liquidity market is that someone will attack the system by buying a lot of LP shares and then send all of the rewards tokens to their own address, perhaps winning a profit by so doing.

PageDAO's solution is to leverage the trusted team members of Core Team on a multisig to control stakes and governance.Osmosis Pool 1344 LP DAO doesn't need veto lock if only one week's supply of $PAGE is in the smart contract at any given point, thus the plan here is for Core Team to act as a two-way proxy, passing governance directives back to PageDAO from the Pool 1344 DAO and passing tokens from staking rewards in the main PageDAO contract back to GAMM-1344 stakers in the Osmosis Pool 1344 LP DAO.

Though labor intensive to start, if this process is a success it can be automated later.

Welcome to the grand experiment.